About Me

Frontal shot

Hi, I am Alex and this is my online home.

I use this mainly as a mode of semi-professional presentation, so if you search for me on the web, you find something useful. Occasionally, in form of a blog-post or two I will use this as a space to summarize lessons that I learn here and there.

I have a background in Business, Neuroeconomics, Statistics and Cognitive Science. A somewhat eclective, somewhat useful mix of degrees that left me with an interdisciplinary perspective (read: I can, but also cannot relate to many folks) and a collection of skills to do some constructive damage. If you have time on your hands and you are interested in what I have been up to for the last stint of education, feel free to read my PhD thesis .

Currently, I am a post doctoral researcher at the Carney Institute for Brain Science , situated on the campus of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. Here I continue the main line of research on simulation based inference for cognitive process models.

Conjointly I work as a Principal Data Scientist for PyMC Labs , where I help clients with Bayesian Statistical Analysis. PyMC Labs is a Bayesian Consultancy with deep expertise in Statistical Methodology, supercharged by the power of the PyMC Python toolbox for Bayesian Inference. You can find a public presentation of this work here (slides) and here (video).

If you want to know more about me (and you are a benign actor), you can check my CV, the one page resume, or click on any of the handles at the bottom of this page.